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Ed's Not Dead Podcast - Not Your Average Education Podcast

Oct 30, 2017

Show Notes:

During today's show, we discuss what some Kansas education policy makers are planning on doing with their public schools (hint: it's probably not a good idea). From the Lawrence Journal-World, we discuss the idea of no longer adhering to age-level grading, the impacts it may have, and why it actually might...

Oct 16, 2017

Show Notes:

During today's show, we discuss how Florida is in the process of "resegregating" their schools and what that means for closing the opportunity gaps across the nation. Using Moriah Balingit's article from the Washington Post (linked here) we discuss why it is happening, and what we should be thinking about in...

Oct 2, 2017

During this episode of Ed’s (Not) Dead, we welcome Dr. T.J. Vari and Dr. Joseph Jones on the show. Dr. Vari and Dr. Jones cofounded TheSchoolHouse302 blog, which is a leadership development institute startup firm. Both Joe and T.J. are well-versed in topics of school leadership and we are so glad to have them on the...