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Ed's Not Dead Podcast - Not Your Average Education Podcast

Mar 29, 2021

The dudes discuss the LA Times piece on the "educational mess" we now find ourselves and what it will take to get back.

The guys also interview Dr. Leslie Fenwick who is the dean emeritus of Howard University’s School of Education, about...

Mar 18, 2021

For the penultimate episode of the Pandemic Pass series Siddons sit down with Lynne Harris, who is a newly elected board of education member in the 14th largest school district in the nation - Montgomery County Public Schools, right outside the DC Metro Area.

They talk about how boards of education could be rethinking...

Mar 15, 2021

Today's topics:

* Guns on students' Zoom classroom / bedroom debate. Where is the line between students' privacy, and the safety and well-being of others?

* We bring on Dan Reed from to talk about the impact of housing policy and zoning laws on education and the opportunity gaps that students face...

Mar 12, 2021

For this third part of The Takeaway, I talk with Joe Feldman, author of Grading for Equity. We discuss how grading practices impact the opportunity gaps that our students of color and our english language learners experience and what he hopes to see in terms of practices on grading and equitable outcomes and about what...

Mar 11, 2021

For this next part of The Takeaway, part of the Pandemic Pass series, I bring in the incredible Rick Wormeli. This is Part 1 of 2 on this topic. Rick is the foremost voice on what it means to be an effective teacher, and my go to source for research and beliefs on grading and assessment. Rick takes us through what he...